Japanese Kiro Cat Bags So Cute | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Japanese Kiro Cat Bags So Cute

I know that I have always maintained that I am not a bag person and until today, I do not carry a handbag. I do have a bag at home on standby, though, but never found an occasion important enough to warrant its use.

Anyway, recently, I have been looking at bags. I know that I would risk getting it snatched. Yes, snatch thefts are rampant in Ipoh as well, and I know that even if I do carry a bag, my mobile phones, camera and purse will continue to be in my pockets. Yes, it's bulky and somewhat uncomfortable, but what to do?

I came across some very cute cotton bags recently with picture of the Japanese Kiro cat and I find them so, so cute. If I have the money, I would buy them all! I know carrying these bags would totally NOT fit me since I am not cute but these are bags that I wouldn't mind risking getting snatched, without important stuff inside, of course.

Right now, I haven't decided which bag to buy yet because there are just so many different designs and they are priced from RM70 to RM100 which is like way out of my budget for a simple, every day bag. OK, that's not so right since I don't even go out every day, but you get my drift. So.... at an average price of RM85, do I buy or do I not buy? Like I said, I don't really have use for a bag.


Anonymous said...

where is the shop selling those Kiro Cat bags ????

Anonymous said...

I know a shop in Melboune, Australia where you can buy them for a fair price!

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