Inspiring Stories to Lose Weight | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Inspiring Stories to Lose Weight

My sister told me that she has put on a lot of weight lately because of she eats a lot when she is unhappy. i guess losing her baby recently has made her depressed. While she drowns her sadness with food, her husband has picked up smoking again. I guess they are both just trying to deal with their loss in their own ways.

I told my sister that she is just putting her health at risk by her overindulgence in food. The same goes with her husband. I am trying to encourage my sister to lose weight and she said that since there is no progress, she wants to give up. I asked her to read some weight loss success stories hoping to inspire her to work harder. So far, she is she hasn't told me if she found them inspiring but my point is that she shouldn't lose focus. Fat yes, focus no.

I just hope that my sister and her husband can pull themselves together but according to my sister, they are still very stressed out as they continue to seek an answer as to why she couldn't carry the baby to full term.


Anonymous said...

First of all to those who are trying to lose weight. Good Job for trying and even better for making it work for you.
I am 37 year old male who weighed 353lbs last September 2009. I completely got tired of my self and how i felt and looked, I even considered weightloss surgery and one day i went to my Dr. and asked for his help as a last ditch effort. So we started with a resting metabolic test to learn that I burned over 3200 cals a day by doing nothing. so that tells you that I was at least eating 3500 plus to mainitain that 353. I then went on a 2000 cal a day diet and exercised for 30minutes a day 5 days a week and bam i started to see results. In the first 6month I had of lost 40lbs so then the Dr. did another metabolic test to determine that i now burn 2400 cals a day by still doing nothing. The Dr. now placed my intake at 1600 and I was like damn how am i going to do this? I am one step away from eating off the trees in my yard. So now with a 1600 cal a day intake and 2400 RMR I already have a 800cal deficit and add 1-1.5 hr of cardio and isometric exercise 5 days a week I am still dropping 1-2 pounds week or so. So, after one year of this hard life changing way of living I am now weighing 250lbs. I still have more to go but where I am now I can definetely enjoy life hell of alot more.

Oh! By the way the Dr. told me that the surgery would do me no good if I cant change the way I eat. Well, I saw it that if I have to change the way i eat either way, why try the non evasive way.

Em said...

Thank you very much for sharing your success story with us. It's inspiring! I believe we understand there is no shortcut and you worked hard to achieve your new weight. All the best to you!

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