Hang! | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


My desktop computer is giving me so much trouble, I just want to throw it into the river. But no, after spending more than RM1K on it 4.5 years ago, I am still not ready to dump it yet. There is still life in the PC and I just need to be more patient with it.

I think it's just a matter of an incompatible graphic card driver but I am not 100% since I don't have another graphic card driver to try out, but on especially bad days, I would be rebooting my PC ever so often because it keeps freezing. I think the culprit could be those flash games I play on Facebook but then again, it does hang when I do something else on the PC as well. As you can see, I can't really pinpoint the problem.

I told my friend that I am going to hang on to my obsolete PC and see who will break down first. Me or it. I hope that I could use it a little longer as I totally abhor spending money unnecessarily. It's not as if the PC has konked out totally. Deep breaths!


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