Getting By With Basics Only | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Getting By With Basics Only

I am sure no one is happy with the abrupt overnight increase in prices for the five essential items of our daily lives. Whether you want to call it a price increase or subsidy cut or price rationalisation, it still means that we will have to fork out even more money than ever for the basics.

Yeah, of course the G is going to say that we still have the lowest prices in the region, but who cares, really? The thing we do care about is that we are hardly able to survive with the money that we earn versus our expenses and we are not even living in luxury at all.

Air-cond? No. Astro? No. So what else can we cut? Nothing really, since we are already living with the basics only. I know that no matter how high we jump now from the effects of this subsidy cut this is only the first round of many more cuts to come over the next five years IF BN still continues to administer the country. No matter what we say now, it will fall on deaf ears.

So what can we, the rakyat, do? I guess we will just have to put our heads down and work even harder than ever to cover the additional expenses. And who is that smart aleck who still wants to implement GST?


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