Cold Turkey | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Cold Turkey

A good friend of mine sent me a text message telling me that he has successfully stopped smoking for a year! I think he has stopped for good if he could stay away from cigarettes for a year despite all the temptations from friends who are smokers.

My friend went cold turkey which is one of the most effective ways. According to him, some had to rely on patches or electric cigarettes but he found that the best way for him was just to strengthen his willpower and then throw all his ciggies away.

Whenever I come across friends who are smokers, I would advise them to quit. Now, with my aunt dying of lung cancer even though she isn't a smoker and never did, though her husband was a smoker last time and he also quit, I will continue to spread the message that they shouldn't introduce toxic to their own bodies!


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