Terminal Illness | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Terminal Illness

My aunt is terminally ill, so much so that she couldn't be helped medically anymore. Right now, she has been admitted to the Ipoh General Hospital because her lung keeps being flooded by bloody fluid.

My father took the letter that was written by her doctor in UH to the doctor in Ipoh GH for his physician to read and according to this Ipoh physician, my aunt's case is very serious and there are two strains of cancer in her lungs.

We don't know what cancer this is; could be Mesothelioma or caused by second hand smoke. The disease could have been in her body a long time already, or it could have been there only recently and it developed too quickly. Whatever it is, whether we accept it or not, we still have to face it. It certainly is not easy to look at death in the face, not for the family, and particularly not for the patient herself.


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