Extra Luggage Bags | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Extra Luggage Bags

I have a friend who likes to tease me about my "extra luggage bags" which are actually my heavy eye bags. Well, what could I do when I don't get enough rest at night? Well, perhaps I could cut down on my dramas .....

I know that I should change my lifestyle. I wish I could. All these late nights aren't good for my health and they are wrecking havoc on my complexion. As a matter of fact, I am sporting a huge zit on my nose right now.

I don't really care about my appearance but I think that I should start to before my looks totally fall apart. The first thing I am doing is to start researching on the best eye cream for dark circles available in the market today. I can just imagine how it will help eliminate my two eye bags. Hah... then my friend would surely have to keep her mouth shut about my extra luggage bags!


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