So It Is Now PRESIDENT Barack Obama | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

So It Is Now PRESIDENT Barack Obama

It comes as no surprise that Barack Obama has been elected as the President of the United States of America. Even during the long campaigning period, I have already noticed a biased coverage by the media, as if they WANT history to be made. After all, it is breakthrough to have a black American as the President.

Although it does not affect me at all if Barack Obama or John McCain or any other citizen of the United States is the President, I do hope that he could fulfill his promises by bringing CHANGE to the country.

During campaign, politicians can promise the moon but it is not going to be easy in view of the lean economy right now. But for the sake of my sister and my friends who are tax payers in America, even though they are not American citizens, let's hope that Barack Obama is able to implement reforms that would reduce the cost of healthcare and medical insurance, tax cuts and interest rates on home loans.

Of course, time should be given to a person newly elected into office but let's just pray that changes would be here soon, and not like what happened to Perak.


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