It is not enough that cooking oil "shortage" drove the price up by RM3 per 5kg bottle.
It is not enough that rice "shortage" drove prices up from RM20 per 10kg bag to RM36.
These two didn't kill us. Now we have to face the steep rise in petrol prices. Heck, a 40% increment one shot. Somebody must be gila already. Last night had a fight with girlfriend and now taking it out on ordinary Malaysians issit?
Suddenly I miss the guy who has a fountain of saliva lah. At least he did not increase our electricity by 18%!! Who in his right mind would do this??? We have not suffered enough issit? Or is this the backlash that we are forced to face because the Barisan coalition was denied a two-thirds majority in the General Election 2008?
I think one day, the streets will the empty, nobody would turn up at the office or eat out, the malls will be deserted, all because nobody can afford to start their engines.
It is not enough that rice "shortage" drove prices up from RM20 per 10kg bag to RM36.
These two didn't kill us. Now we have to face the steep rise in petrol prices. Heck, a 40% increment one shot. Somebody must be gila already. Last night had a fight with girlfriend and now taking it out on ordinary Malaysians issit?
Suddenly I miss the guy who has a fountain of saliva lah. At least he did not increase our electricity by 18%!! Who in his right mind would do this??? We have not suffered enough issit? Or is this the backlash that we are forced to face because the Barisan coalition was denied a two-thirds majority in the General Election 2008?
I think one day, the streets will the empty, nobody would turn up at the office or eat out, the malls will be deserted, all because nobody can afford to start their engines.
Hmm.. actually this will bound to happen. We won't be able to know our economy strength within Malaysia since almost everything else is subsidized.
They like to lead us to believe that prices are subsidized but hard to believe lah ;o
Haha.. Fuel for sure is subsidized, same goes to grain, which is used to make flour. That's all i know.
Rice wise.. it's due to monopolized by Bernas ever since the govt privatized it.
Our govt is so inefficient with the country's resources until this happened today.
Maybe you can get your monkeys to move your car.. the flintstone style.. lol..
Haha you're so funny lah!
Seriously, though, I do not see why we have to pay road tax when we have to pay toll as well. It should be either/or and not both at the same time.
These things burden us and we thought we already asked for "change"?
Haha..that's where "inefficiency" comes into the picture.
There are many things that "they" supposed to do. Too bad, what supposed to be done is always remain as "vision".
Politics is like that. They promise us the moon but always come up short.
Like Obama now, people have such high hopes on him, I'm afraid they will end up disappointed.
By the way, the Perak State Government is supposed to provide us with free water every month. I'm still waiting for it!
Kekeke.. Selangor already enjoying it. I guess it'll happen in Perak soon. :)
They better be quick in implementing free water in Perak so that we don't pay unnecessarily. If not, need to wait four years already! hahah!
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