This afternoon, I had cause to write an email to a guy whom I bought service from which means that I am his customer. Even though I have been his customer for almost a year, I hardly emailed to him before unless a problem crops up.
So today, I wrote to him and when he replied me, he kept calling me by the wrong name! I was too polite to tell him that my name is so-and-so and not such-and-such, but when I replied, I went like this:
So today, I wrote to him and when he replied me, he kept calling me by the wrong name! I was too polite to tell him that my name is so-and-so and not such-and-such, but when I replied, I went like this:
With best regards,
He STILL got it wrong when he replied to that email!
I am fine that he called me by another name, not as if he is my boyfriend and calling his ex-girlfriend's name in his sleep ma LOL, and as long he solves my problem then OK la.
But just imagine calling your customer by the wrong name! You know I always have such a nightmare, especially when I have a stack of greeting cards to send out and I am afraid to send the card in the wrongly addressed envelop! I always check and double check! And what about faxing a document to a wrong fax number? LOL Let's not even think about that!
I can undrstand why you are pissed..hehe..
Hi Falcon,
I just said that it reflects badly on the company if the guy keeps calling his customer by the wrong name.
I'm not pissed because I have my problem solved and that's all matters! LOL
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