Menstrual Stem Cells | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, June 16, 2008

Menstrual Stem Cells

A couple of days ago, I was at a shopping mall and approached by a saleslady who wanted to sell her company's cord blood stem cell service. I am not having a baby anytime soon and do not know of pregnant friends.

However, I did wonder what about us adults where such a service was not available at the time of birth to preserve our cord blood stem cells so that we could perhaps have a shot at treating life -threatening diseases.

Just awhile ago, I had the opportunity to learn of the revolutionary C'elle stem cell service that harvests stem cells from menstrual fluid. I know. This sounds utterly yucky, especially at this hour in the morning.

BUT I further read all about C'elle and am amazed that a woman's monthly cycle may actually hold the miracle key to whatever future diseases that she may suffer from.

I also read that for people who are business minded, they could also become C'elle Distributor. I think this would be a very well received stem cell service. Also, on the website of Celle Order Now and receive an introductory annual plan at US$499 only.


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