Me, No Fun? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, June 16, 2008

Me, No Fun?

The other day, I asked if I should let my other friend know that the person that he added to his FaceBook account is my friend who is a man but created number accounts to play games on FaceBook.

Guess what I subsequently found out? That this friend who now spots multiple personalities is being courted by some of MY friends! I was told that there were FIVE of them but I have no idea who in particular.

What could I do since I do not know who? I threatened to expose my friend but he told me not to. he says that he just wants to play and that I am "no fun" because I refused to play along with him.

Err... am I really "no fun"? This is way too rampant than I have originally thought. I think I better stay out of this. "Her" profile picture must have been too enticing. SIGH!


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