I don't know about you but I believe that I make a lot of search queries everyday when I am online. I do that to seek knowledge, to look for interesting topics to blog about and even to reconnect with old friends who may have a web presence. I am not sure though, how much carbon emissions my searches have generated but I can now offset that with the Carbon Neutral Search Engine.
There was once talk that a white background of a search engine would generate more carbon that a black or darker background but I guess that is not true since Carbon Neutral Search engine also has a white background.
To date, 25,000 searches have been served and I think more and more internet users should adopt a new way of searching the web since it will indirectly contribute to the betterment of the environment.
There was once talk that a white background of a search engine would generate more carbon that a black or darker background but I guess that is not true since Carbon Neutral Search engine also has a white background.
To date, 25,000 searches have been served and I think more and more internet users should adopt a new way of searching the web since it will indirectly contribute to the betterment of the environment.
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