I Dreamt of Dino This Morning | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, June 14, 2008

I Dreamt of Dino This Morning

I don't know if he came into my dream, or if I think of him too much that he appeared in my sub-conscious mind. But, it has been a week since his passing and from what I understand, the spirit of the deceased will visit the family on the 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, 35th, 42nd and 49th day after his death. And then his spirit will no longer be allowed to loiter around the house.

So I dreamt of him fleetingly. It was fleeting as once I dreamt of it, I was startled awake. But he seems well, like my usual Dino, like he's alive. I miss him so much.

My friend told me to take a break and to follow him and his friends for a holiday in Sabah. Errrr Sabah, I am not keen la. If it's somewhere exotic like what I have see of North Padre Island rentals or Hawaii rentals or even Langkawi rentals, that would sound more appealing.


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