Who Is Having The Most Sex? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Who Is Having The Most Sex?

I came across this chart which is the result of a recently concluded sex survey by Durex, the condom maker.

Out of a total of 26 countries Malaysia ranks at number seven with 74% of respondents having sex weekly. Singapore, on the other hand, ranks at a lowly twenty with 62% of total respondents having sex weekly.

I am amazed that in Asia, Malaysia, at 74%, ranks second in the most number of people who have sex weekly, just behind China whose respondents lead at 78%. I think they have nothing better to do than have sex lah!

What I found so totally amusing is that at the bottom of the chart, it says: Weighted base: All non-virgins (22,040), all respondents (26,028).

Of course non-virgins lah. If virgin how to have sex? If there's someone who can have sex weekly and still be a virgin, that's a miracle already. haha!

Also, surveys like this cannot be trusted wan. I remember a friend of mine filled up a sex survey by a local condom maker (not Durex) on my behalf and he simply hentam the responses so that I could get a novelty gift from the condom maker. LOL


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