WomanSavers - For Women By Women | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, April 12, 2008

WomanSavers - For Women By Women

There was this guy whom my mother's sister was married to back in the 1970s. She thought that he was a pretty good catch; an educated man holding an executive post and drawing a good salary. Hardly did my aunt know that his standing in society did not reflect his inner personality.

Each night he returned home was a nightmare for her. I guess we could understand that a man will sometimes beat up the wife if he was drunk or pretended to be drunk but this guy was very sober, just that he was full of rage and jealousy every single night even when there was no cause to feel so. Maybe something happened to him during his childhood but as far as we could tell, he led a pretty normal life like every other boy.

My aunt made plenty of police reports but back then, domestic violence was something the police did not want to meddle into. After a few years trapped in an awful marriage, the guy lost his job due to an economic downturn and he decided to find work overseas. He went to the United States where he found a new life and a new woman so he sought a divorce. That was the only way my aunt managed to be free from him physically and legally.

A few years later, out of the blue, my aunt received a call from a lady. This lady was calling from the United States and apparently, she was the "new woman". I don't recall if they got married but this woman wanted to know if she was the only one beaten by the guy or if it's his habit to beat up all his women. Once she heard my aunt's story, she packed her bags and left that very same day. Truly, no woman deserved to be beaten like that and for nothing too.

Now in 2008, we are living in an internet age and I think that we have way more resources than my aunt's time. With a website like WomanSavers.com, women can let others know how a man is, especially if he is a cheater or an abuser. Like in my aunt's case, if it happened to her right now, my aunt would be able to warn other people about this guy!

WomanSavers.com provides a platform for women to support each other and exchange views or seek dating expert advice.

I may not be a relationship expert, but just think about it. If all women band together and alert each other, the bad apples among men like the guy who used to be my uncle will have no way to get close to women at all. Don’t you think so?


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