Pregnant "Man" | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Pregnant "Man"

Did you watch Oprah on the "man" who was born a girl and is now pregnant as a man? It's all pretty complex but to give you the low down, this person was born as Tracy, obviously a girl, and grew up beautifully too, that she was a contestant in Miss Teen Hawaii.

Somehow, in her twenties, she "found" her true self and even had girlfriends. Hhmmm what happened that caused that switch in her gender [mentally], nobody knows. I am sure, she finally did a sex operation because she now looks like a man and grown a stubble and named Thomas.

That's not strange though. Thomas got married to a woman who knows of Tracy. But the strangest thing is that now Thomas is pregnant! How can???? Does he want to be a man or not? I am sure that they tried for a baby using donated sperm BUT why can't they plant that sperm into the wife, I believe her name's Wendy. Why make Thomas pregnant instead? It's as if the whole situation is not freaky enough. I bet the kid will have an identity crisis when he/she is older. While everyone came out from their mom, this child came out from the dad! Eyerrrrr!!!


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