Yoga For Beginners | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Yoga For Beginners

My friend, Ket, invited me to join his Yoga class. When I first found out that he is diligently attending yoga three times a week for two hours a session, I was like, "What? But you're a guy! I thought Yoga's for women only?"

Ket told me that actually, more and more men re taking up yoga just like they are taking up knitting, compared to five years ago. I told Ket that my bones are already too stiff to take up yoga at my age!

But Ket told me that there are new people joining his Yoga class every week and that the class is divided into three sections; for beginners, intermediate students and advanced level students. He told me to watch a yoga dvd for beginners to see the kind of light stretching that we are taught... I still think that it would be pretty tough on my old bones!

I asked my friend, Amy, about yoga and she said that I should take it up as it enhances our overall health physically, physiologically and psychologically. HHmmm


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