Who Is The One With Bad English? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Who Is The One With Bad English?

Recently, people who do not speak English as a first language have been criticised rather badly. It is like, "How dare you write sponsored posts with that kind of English?" Americans may think that they have perfect English but they are not always right too. Although they speak English as their first language, there are still so many people with sub-standard English! Don't deny it!

While I am not saying that my English is perfect, we are divided by one language. British and American English are different and Malaysians use British English, mainly.

I am fine with the different spelling and can switch to either one depending on whom I am writing to. However, I find that the problem is mostly in the way we express ourselves. Although English is the first language of Americans, I sometimes cringe reading their writing. To me, they sound wrong but I am not saying they are necessarily wrong!

And the case about the "fat husband" which was taken to mean "generous husband", perhaps the writer really meant a FAT husband? Fat and generous are totally different, you know???


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