Surfing By Proxy | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Surfing By Proxy

This morning, I did a few sponsored post and I don't know why I can't even access the sites of the sponsors. Someone must have blocked our IPs. Is it TM? Or the hosts/servers of the sponsors?? I don't know, I have problems understanding these kinds of things!

If it is TM, why? Why is it that we cannot go to some legitimate sites that are perfectly harmless but we can surf to porn sites that contain explicit images?? Hah! Now, don't read more to this than necessary, ok? This does not mean that *I* surf to porn sites. I just KNOW :D :D :D

Normally, I never use Proxy to surf and if there are sites that act strangely and do not let me access it, I just close my window and don't even bother with it but since these are sponsor sites that I need to browse through in order to put up a decent post, then I have to use the proxy sites that are filled with advertisements. *sigh*

I guess we can't get away from commercials wherever we go, eh?


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