So Many Things To Do, So Little Time!!! | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, September 20, 2007

So Many Things To Do, So Little Time!!!

I know, I know, I have been screaming thus for a long time now, but can you believe that I sat here since 7.30 yesterday morning and blogging and working non-stop? I have so much work to do and so many blog posts to write that I feel my butt growing wider and wider by the minute!

I swear I am going to be in this position when I die *haihh*

Last night, Paul called me up from NYC just to check how things are with me and he said I sounded tired. How can I sound not tired when I am not even getting any decent rest anymore? He told me to slow down and I know I should but I've got too many mouths to feed.

I keep telling myself that I need a break too and to only work like a maniac until the end of the month but a new month rolls around and I would still be working like shit.

And I am supposed to meet my friend for a drink before he leaves for Melbourne for good but I haven't even given him a definite date and I feel thoroughly rotten about it for leaving him hanging but I have promised him. Uugghhh! Perhaps I should just let everything go for a few days and then play catch up later.


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