Selayang Municipal Council - ARE YOU KIDDING???? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, September 07, 2007

Selayang Municipal Council - ARE YOU KIDDING????

If you have not heard of the Dog Catching Competition organized by the Selayang Municipal Council, where have you been? Whether we are animal (in particular dogs) lovers or not, we should all voice out our disgust at the council and the competition they are running for SIX long months. Can you believe that there could be someone this cruel amidst us? *shake head*

Please, as a blogger, as someone with one iota of compassion for the poor stray dogs, do something to help, anything you can at all. Blog about it, let your family and friends know that education is the way to go about curbing strays and NOT catching them off the street like a sport and with such a huge price money being dangled out, I KNOW that pet dogs will be at stake as well.

Please, if you could spare some time, write a short note to the media. There is a list of email addresses that we can write to in my post on my blog, Blank Canvas.

EDIT: Natasha Fernz of Mad About Labrador Retrievers left me a note about a silent protest she has organised. Do check out her blog at for more information and to support the petition against this cruel dog catching competition!


babyfiona said...

I had just blogged about the same thing! almost the same time!

Em said...

Hi Babyfiona!

Thanks for your post too. I think it is our duty to spread the news any way we can. This competition is downright absurd!

Natasha Fernz said...

Thanks a million for updating this!!! :)

Em said...

Hi Natasha!

No problem! We're all in this together! Hopefully our voice is loud enough!

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