News From Orlando | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, September 07, 2007

News From Orlando

Over the summer, my friend Markus, told me that he was given a pair of Disney World Tickets by his grandparents. You see, Markus is German but his grandparents live in an island off Florida. Every summer, Markus and his brother would try to visit the elderly couple but they don't like to spend too much time there because the old man is rather eccentric.

Markus said that when he has the chance, he will visit his other American friends but he could not be too obvious about his dislike for the place. Anyway, this old couple bought the pair of tickets online where they were guaranteed the lowest online price and any ticket to all the theme parks offered by Disney World in Orlando at discounted prices and they could be bought even at the last minute.

Markus has been to Disney World for umpteen times but he says that this is one place that he will never be bored with because of their constant upgrade of the rides and stuff. Come to think of it, Paul still owes me the pair of Mickey & Minnie that he promised to get for me from Disney World!


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