MYR300 Per Month Enough Meh?? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, September 08, 2007

MYR300 Per Month Enough Meh??

What do you think of Budget 2008's MYR300 subsidy for caregivers of disabled family members? I think that it is definitely not enough! I know, I know, it is supposed to be a subsidy only but if someone is a full time caregiver, he or she would not be able to work outside the home and draw a decent salary and will then be expected to live on that MYR300. Coupled with the MYR300 that is given to the disabled person, which means MYR600 for two people per month.

And then there are disabled people who would need long term medication or special equipment all of which translate to expenses and how much does that leave for daily living? I don't know!

Personally, I can really sympathise with the disabled and their caregivers. You know my fat monkey is epileptic and that makes him "cacat" and when he was younger, I practically had to spend the major part of my day taking care of him. He has stabilised so much a few years ago until he developed a fear for the thunderstorm but I know how it to feels like to be chained to the disabled. I know I can't compare an animal with a real disabled person and that means that would be a thousand times worse than what I went through and am going through. So tell me, MYR300 enough meh?


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