In Need Of A Website Optimization Firm | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, September 08, 2007

In Need Of A Website Optimization Firm

Some time ago, I mentioned about my friend who wanted to start an online business and she told me that she has not been getting a good ranking on the search engines for competitive keywords for her products. It is funny that show thought it would be that easy! Doesn't she know that there are millions of websites being created every day? As long as someone owns a website whether it is a personal or commercial, it would already be fighting for a spot on the search engines. That is because the higher one is ranked in the search results, the more people will come from organic searches.

I mentioned to her that what she really needs is a website optimization firm to help her fine tune her online store because visual appeal is one thing, to be pickled up easily by the search engines is an entirely different matter.

She has not heard of website optimization before, let alone know of a reliable website optimization firm but she is serious about her business and is ready to do all she can to make a success out of her store.

I told her that it is very important that she finds one that meets her needs and suits her budget! I did not want to help her find because I have too much work but too little time!


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