Ah... To Be A New York Times Bestseller! | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, September 07, 2007

Ah... To Be A New York Times Bestseller!

Reading has been a habit that was cultivated when I was very young. I don't remember who was my favorite author but it seemed like I read books that were for older people a long time ago. I actually wanted to write "adult books" but that does not sound right somehow! Anyway, I remember going through a phase of reading romance books. Which girl book lover has never read at least one Mills & Boon?

And then I went through another phase of WRITING my own books and poems. I dreamt of being a great author and poet. I even submitted my short stories to the newspaper and became a member of an international poet society. I attempted to publish my poems but there were no takers, unfortunately.

Somehow, my dream passed and I became a blogger. A blogger is someone with a passion to write and I believe I have that, although I still harbor hopes of being a New York Times Bestseller.

My friend told me about the teleseminar program created by Mr. John Kremer on How To Become A New York Times Bestseller. Will this teleseminar help me achieve my childhood dream?!?! If you also share my dream, why not give this a try too??


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