RAS Reaches Out To Maternity Ladies | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

RAS Reaches Out To Maternity Ladies

The other day, my sister told me that she fell ill and went to a doctor who is not covered by her insurance. Her bill came up to $300 and I nearly fainted. She said that for all the advanced medical facilities in the United States, these all come with a price. My sister told me that the worse group of people are women who got pregnant no insurance coverage and not provided for by their employer. She said that I would be surprised that there are many such people.

Some time back, I was shown a website that I remember till today which helps ladies in this situation find suitable fertility and reproductive health benefits and financial assistance. The program is called Reproductive Access Solutions (RAS). It is great that there is an extensive network like the RAS to help women when they are most in need of help, taking care of the health of mother and child. Women in this scenario just need to be let known that there is help available to them and they need to seek the assistance of RAS should they need it.

I find that it is our responsibility to let as many women know as possible that RAS is here to help them.


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