Online MBA From The University of Wales | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, September 03, 2007

Online MBA From The University of Wales

Long time readers of my blog would know that I did not get to complete my tertiary education and it is very ironic when my Uncle and my Aunt are the leading educationists in the country. All my cousins received a British education, perhaps it is the perception that the Brits are the best, after years of colonial rule.

Today, I was told of The University of Wales Online where one could receive an MBA online. At my age and with my crazy work schedule, the only possibility for me to complete an MBA programme is through the internet.

My uncle runs his own e-learning MBA and DBA programmes so he knows all about online education and in fact, he has been pushing me to get committed to a programme. He knows that the longer I lay off, I harder it is for me to start. My uncle told me that Robert Kennedy College, based in Zurich, Switzerland, has recently been featured in a top 32 providers of online MBA. Their MBA programme is validated and awarded by the University of Wales. He said that a recognised certificate would open more doors for me.

My uncle told me to get on it, I don't even have to do research because he has already done the research for me! They have a one week optional residencies at the college. This is a good chance to get away!


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