Happy Merdeka!!!! | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Happy Merdeka!!!!

Well how happy can one be if people hold the sentiment that was spilled out per Namewee? I know he is not the only one feeling so but he is the only one brave enough to express his thoughts publicly.

Personally, I think that no matter what race we are, no matter if we are sidelined or not, we have to make the best out of life. We were born in Malaysia and this is our home.

As an example, Paul has left Malaysia for more than ten years and he is still so Malaysian. And he is only one of the many people I know who are making a living overseas and despite being in a foreign land for umpteen years, many of them still call Malaysia "home", still have families here, still make trips to Malaysia whenever possible and dream of retiring in Malaysia one day.

Despite all the hardships that we have been put through by the powers that be, Malaysia is also our home and nobody can deny that. So make the best of the opportunities that are given to you and use them to your own advantage. We can make something out of life here in Malaysia and if you believe in yourself, you can do it!


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