Five Years Unpaid Maternity Leave | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, September 07, 2007

Five Years Unpaid Maternity Leave

I am not sure if you noticed, the small column in the papers, that civil servants will soon be given five years unpaid maternity leave. Isn't that ridiculous? How are these women going to survive? I know many women are breadwinners of the family. I hate to say that but many Malaysian men I know are damn useless and unable to provide for the family. My mom was the anchor of the family who brought home her pay check because while my dad worked his income was not consistent at all. One month we could be given a thousand Ringgit pocket money each and then we would go dry, you get the picture.

I think it is Australia which provides ONE year PAID maternity leave for new mothers. I think that is very reasonable. You pay them to stay to home to care for the baby so that these mothers do not have to pay for someone else to do the job.

And to me, five years is a pretty long time Do you think that by the time these mothers return to the workforce, everything would still be the same just as before they went on labour? Policies would have changed, superior officers would have been transferred to be replaced by new faces. Every time the woman returns to work, it would seem like starting a NEW job all over again.

And you know, there are women of a certain race who can give birth EVERY year and they are the people would are filling up those civil posts. I can just envision them giving birth one after another and keep extending their five year maternity leave until they receive their pension. This scenario is plausible, right?


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