Can Sytropin HGH Help Me? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, September 07, 2007

Can Sytropin HGH Help Me?

Do you sometimes feel old? I do, especially when I bump into my old classmates and I really feel ragged. In part, it is no thanks to the number of hours I put into work, and the number of hours I get to rest but still, compared to people my age, I do feel AND look at least ten years older. I know this is bad and it worries me because the process of aging is irreversible. Well, I would like to know that I STILL can help change the way I look, ah, to LOOK my age again, just like my friends!

Some time ago, I wrote a post about Sytropin, which is a non-prescriptive natural human growth hormone prescription. Sytropin, or more popularly known as HGH, is said to be able to slow down the aging process and I have heard, is widely used by high performance athletes legally.

Well, I have been wondering if Sytropin HGH could help me. Getting more rest at this point could not. Birds nest could not :-( I don't want to "perform" better but I would definitely want to look and feel younger.


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