Feeling Empty | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, September 24, 2007

Feeling Empty

I don't know why, with so many things going on in life, keeping me extremely busy, I still feel that there's something missing in life. I am not even thinking about a man or sex or whatever. It's just that I feel that there is more to life than work. Why work so when I don't get to spend my own money?

I really want to get away from here and I don't mean go away on a trip but to really pack my bags and leave. For good. I feel that my sanity is threatened the longer I stick around and I hate the feeling of helplessness.

Right now, all I can do is to bust my butt trying to earn as much as I can, hence the three jobs, and save whatever money I can spare. Financial security is very important to me and the money will certainly come in handy when the time is right to take action. It just kills me to be around here.


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