Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid

It's so funny that when people know that you are a blogger, especially a power blogger, the get scared. This is because bloggers would write just about anything on their blogs. So those who are out to have a jolly time at night, you better don't let a blogger see you!

The 8-ness is especially true for people who blog for pay and need an interim post ever so often so that's where ideas come from but I'm not saying that bloggers will go to the extent of cooking up a story about somebody.

Anyway, it just amuses me to see people's reaction when they realise that there's a blogger in their midst. Eh, I'm not pahwer enough for anyone to be afraid of me lah and even if I do name names, people will think nothing of it.


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