Too Superstitious | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Too Superstitious

Am I being too superstitious? A couple of months go, a friend proposed to visit me. Sometimes I feel like they pity me because I am stuck in this cow town so they come over to cheer me up :p

Anyway, I told him to come in early September if he really wanted to. And then now that we are at the end of August, I said, hey better not come in early September as purposed because it is still the seventh lunar month!

I don't want him to travel during the seventh month because of all the roaming spirits. Did you notice that all the bad things happen during the ghost month? I remember them all too clearly. Last year, many people I personally know died one after another during the seventh month. Creepy!

Well, my friend thought I was being a tad too superstitious while I think that we can't be too careful. He laughs that I won't even pass by a coffin shop if I could help it ggggrrrrr


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