Replica Sunglasses CAN Make Money | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Replica Sunglasses CAN Make Money

If you remember, I have a friend who invited me to join her in selling replica Sunglasses online and offline and which I declined because I could not devote the time to the business and I would feel bad if I could not pull my weight around.

Well, the good news is that she ordered Wholesale Sunglasses from a reputable supplier. She said that the supplier sells by the dozen and she is able to stock a dozen of each design which is a good strategy.

So anyway, she managed to get her stocks in record time and set up her online store by herself, and also selling at local places that have heavy human traffic. It is great to see that she could make a good business out of selling replica designer sunglasses and that she managed to find a single product that is selling like hot cakes.

My friend told me that I could join her anytime but then I would have to fork out some capital as well! That’s business!


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