Investing Into Rare Coins | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Investing Into Rare Coins

Last night, I was chatting with my friend on investment and what to do when he has saved up enough to make a significant amount of money that he could use as capital. We were bouncing off ideas like normal savings, fixed deposits, precious metals, stocks and property. However, he told me that he has heard of his friends who have invested into certified coins.

I have heard of people collecting coins as a hobby and I know that the value of such rare coins will increase but I did not know that there are people who would invest into such certified coins in a major way. I think I need to read up more on this!

I came across the website of Monaco Rare Coin that seems to facilitate the investment and collection of rare coins. I am going to check the site out thoroughly. At least I could then exchange notes with my friend intelligently!


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