I Wish I Could Get Paid To ......... | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, August 30, 2007

I Wish I Could Get Paid To .........


What bout you? If you would be paid for doing something what would it be? Well, if you are going to get paid to do something, it will sound like work but not if you enjoy doing it.

I know of a friend who would totally love to be paid to play computer games. Now, without being paid, he would be at the computer playing from Friday evening after work to Monday morning just before leaving for the office. Mind you, this is not a pimply teenager, but a man almost 40 years old!

I know of another guy who could watch movies over and over again. Boy, would he love to get paid just to watch movies through the day and night. Can anyone watch A MOVIE again and again from evening to sunrise, totaling six reruns? He can! It would be awesome if he could get paid to watch movies, maybe like a movie reviewer or something like that.

I used to think that it would be great to work at a cybercafe. I thought that I would get paid for CHATTING online. If you have been to cybercafes, you can see those staff chatting away on the STAFF computer. Cool, eh?

Now, I prefer to get paid to breathe. Well, if there is such thing, it would effectively mean that I will get paid every nanosecond. Beat that! hahaha!


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