How Long Have I REALLY Looked Into A Mirror? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, August 31, 2007

How Long Have I REALLY Looked Into A Mirror?

I am not even sure. I don't even have time to brush my hair anymore, like I mentioned a couple of times. I was out shopping when a few ladies who set up a booth stopped me to promote their new facial treatment. I KNOW I have bad skin and I am guilty of not caring for it enough. Heck, I'd be grateful to use that little bit more time caring for my skin to SLEEP. Resting can improve the skin as well, can't it?

They were telling me that I really need a facial treatment and they are having a promotion for MYR39 only. That's cheap, isn't it? Not that I know the market rate, but they said that this promotion is only valid for thirty people and well, I was interested because I do really NEED one, I KNOW but I was thinking, here I am working three jobs, where can I spare the time to go to a beauty saloon?

They said, never mind, I could book a place first and then call up for an appointment and even issued a voucher in my name and then ASKED ME TO PAY MYR39. I was like, "I don't have MYR39 with me now!"

Actually, I went to the mall to buy only one thing specifically which cost MYR30 and I only have MYR35 with me. I do have my bank card with me but I did not want to go upstairs where the ATMs are since the mall was about to close for the night.

So I already paid for my purchase MYR30 and only have MYR5 in my purse and they were still telling me to pay whatever cash I have. But I only have MYR5 (!) and they wanted ALL. Of course I did not tell them I have the card. Imagine if I were taking a taxi home or something, I wouldn't even have any cash on myself.

Whoa, they NEED business that bad, huh?


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