Help In Online Tutoring | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Help In Online Tutoring

My cousin's little daughter is a pain to teach. I would not say that she is stupid or even slow but she does not pay attention to us. Maybe she is so used to us that she tends to bully us. Moreover, we always let her have her way due to her circumstances, even though we know that it is not doing her good in the long run.

Even though she does not understand her school work, she hardly requests for Home Work Help and I have already told her that I am available to guide her but she has refused.

Instead, she said that her friends are all talking about online tuition, getting tutoring in Math or even basic things like reading and writing. I am curious to know if tutoring this way will help them or not. I hope to see results so that I can put this girl on an online tutoring programme for English and also get a ready tutor for her to seek homework help should she need it.

I can't teach her for too long or I'd blow a fuse!


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