He Scored! Congrats! | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, August 09, 2007

He Scored! Congrats!

In early May, I wrote a post, Gee! So Persistent! From then and now, these two people have gotten off my back for the time being because the managed to find a new target. The target is also another neighbour of mine, living just opposite my house, who is in his seventies, if not mistaken.

During that time, they targeted the wife but she refused to attend any mass or cell meeting and instead asked the husband to go, in her place, and told him there's no harm and so he dutifully went to the weekly mass and home cell meeting as well.

Whoa, what do you know? I have news that he will be converting to Christianity soon. Who was it again who said it was no harm?
Like I said, I have nothing against Christians or people of other religions. I just am not comfortable with their approach of trying to convert everyone they come across.

So this elderly neighbour will be converting from Buddhism and his wife, I presume, will also follow suit. So my Christian neighbour has scored two points for getting two new members to the Church. Congratulations to him.


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