Gee! So Persistent! | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Gee! So Persistent!

I recently got to know two of my neighbours who are Christians. One of them just moved to the neighbourhood recently while the other has been a long time resident. Both attend the same church in my area.

Anyway, I just got to know these two people. Since the day I met them, they have persistently asked me to attend their "cell meeting" (am not sure if it's called cell meeting?) and even Church service.

I have declined so far, for one, because I do not have time to spare from 8.30pm - 11.30pm every Friday night for the cell meetings and secondly I am not a Christian, which they are aware of.

One of them tried to catch my interest by saying that there will be food and songs at the meetings. AS IF I HAVE NEVER EATEN BEFORE and I don't EVEN LIKE singing, at least not in front of strangers.

Don't get me wrong, I do have Christian friends but none has bothered me with their Church activities. I mean, I respect your religion, so please respect mine too. I know it is our duty to spread our religion and Christians seem to take this responsibility seriously but they should be more selective in their targets. Go get those freethinkers and not people who are already borne into religion.

Don't you think so?


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