Be Good To Your Whole Body Podcast | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Be Good To Your Whole Body Podcast

Since my first awareness of natural health, I have been conscious of the food and drinks that I take. I figured that it is easier to put into our body but difficult to take it out. I search online to find tips on better natural health. The thought of sickness and the cost of medicine and treatments are scary.

Whole Foods Market is running a series of podcast on natural body and health care whereby they will have one episode per month covering one particular topic, which I found on their "Be Good To Your Whole Body"
podcast page.

Coincidentally, this month's topic is on cleansing. This is a good topic for me since I have been told I need to get those toxins off my body that is causing me to suffer from zits.

I try my best to drink as much clear water as possible. I cut down on salt, sugar and oil in my food too. I try to get organic food but they are pretty expensive.

The problem with me is that I am never able to get enough rest and I lead a stressful life. If I could change this, I believe I would have a healthier lifestyle.


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