Celcom Sucks, BIG TIME | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Celcom Sucks, BIG TIME

If you do not already know, I am a Celcom prepaid user. It sucks that they keep changing their rules. The latest is a revamp on their loyalty bonus, which will be replaced with usage bonus with effect from 14th May, 2007.

They make it sound as if they are rewarding us better than ever, but if you can calculate even a little bit, you know know that they are ripping us off, AGAIN!

I failed my Additional Math in SPM but they did not fool me.

If you compare these two charts, you can see that I used to get 10% bonus each time I reload at least RM50 BUT now they want me to USE minimum RM50 within a month to qualify for a measly 3% bonus airtime. It comes up to only RM1.50. BIG DEAL!

I'm getting more and more dissatisfied with the short end that we consumers are given. I'd love to change to something else but they are all the same, aren't they? Bah!


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