PAYjr Chore & Allowance System | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, May 14, 2007

PAYjr Chore & Allowance System

Many of my friends with children, especially teenagers, have complained to me that they do not know the value of money. Most like to spend on unnecessary purchases because they think money are easy to come by.

Coincidentally, I stumbled upon PAYjr which I think can help my friends and their children. PAYjr is an online allowance and chore system for children and prepaid card for teens too. Best of all, this is a free service.

PAYjr, a Chore & Allowance and Teen Prepaid system, aims to teach children from young, values like discipline and responsibility. The prepaid card specifically teaches children how to manage their finances. While some people may think that prepaid card is expensive, it really does help children to control their spending. This coaching will do them good when they are older and qualify for a credit card.

PAYjr, a leading provider of youth finance programs, came up with this system to help parents teach their children financial management. Also, with the prepaid card specifically for the young, parents will know where the money is spent on.


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