Oh-oh Mother's Day! | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Oh-oh Mother's Day!

So Sunday was Mother's Day. With all the hype around us and the numerous sponsored posts I wrote on Mother's Day gifts, flowers and what-nots, I am ashamed to admit that I totally forgot about it if not for a passing remark that my friend made and asking what plans I have for Mother's Day.

I had thought that I have another week to plan something but I did not realise that time flew by so fast. I was stumped when my friend posed that question to me because it was already 3am on Mother's Day, for goodness sake! I couldn't even think straight.

However, my mother is an ultra practical woman and she loves nothing better than cash. Of course, I am not faulting her one bit. In fact, she always makes things easy for my siblings and I. We do not have to use our brain juice cracking our heads coming up with gift ideas. Cash is King, or rather Queen, in this instance!


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