Don't Post For 24 Hours | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, August 31, 2007

Don't Post For 24 Hours

I recently came across a review opportunity in a local blog advert company and one of the requirements is that the review has to be the first post on the blog for a full 24 hours. If we decided to take it up, we were not supposed to publish anything else for the next 24 hours. Not blog for 24 hours? Somebody's gotta be kidding, right?

It would have been easy to take up this opportunity if one is using a self-hosted blog where the review post could be stick-ied for one full day but then for blogs like mine, ermmm and for a NON-paying post, no way, man.

I don't like to be told WHEN I can or cannot post because I blog ALL the time, it is just a matter of publishing the posts or not. I can choose to publish or not to publish but don't tell me if I CAN or CANNOT publish.

Bah.. for a post like that, I would only take it if it pays above $100 to make up for all the lost opportunities but then this company ISN'T even going to pay, in cash, I mean. And Cash is king, in case they do not know.


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