Dental Woes | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, August 10, 2007

Dental Woes

A couple of months ago, I had a root canal treatment done on a tooth. This tooth has been giving me a numbing feeling for a long time now. I do not remember exactly when but I know that it started after the dentist filled up a small cavity. I suspect that the dentist did not clean my tooth sufficiently before filling up the cavity even though it was only a small one.

Whatever the case, it was never right after that.

So a couple of months ago, I went t this dentist, who is actually the son of the first dentist and he recommended a root canal treatment. I had to go for three weekly visits and it cost me MYR300 for the entire procedure.

Despite having done this treatment, which is supposed to kill the nerves so that I would not have feelings on my tooth and hence cannot feel the numbness, I am still suffering from this niggling numbness.

I wonder if he did it on the correct tooth????

During the three visits, I did tell my dentist (he's leng chai, by the way) that I still feel numb around that vicinity of my jaw but he still said to go ahead to wrap up the treatment. Now, the problem is still persisting. I have not confronted him. I thought of writing him an email, you know, just to let him know that all is not well.

I dread to think what would happen if it really is the wrong tooth or that I will have to go for another procedure. I wonder if the treatment comes with warranty. If yes, I'd like to lodge a claim!


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