1st Anniversary | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, August 06, 2007

1st Anniversary

It's hard to believe that my friend, Boon, has passed away for one year already. His anniversary was on 4th August. I know I am late but it is by design because it is not easy to bring myself to write a post dedicated to him. One year doesn't make a difference.

I remember a year ago, I wrote this post, A Letter to the Dear Departed, with tears streaming down my face. And even reading it brought tears to my eyes. I have not read it for a long time now, because I know no matter how many times I have read it, the pain will always be there.

I have lost a very good friend. He was also my cheerleader but in a different way. All I want to say is that life is very fragile. Appreciate those who are important to you right now because it may be too late.

Coincidentally, I stumbled upon a blog late last night. The blogger passed away last year at the age of 19 years old. So young. His blog is still active, updated by his friends and family, hoping to keep his memories alive. What a reminder to us to live life to the fullest and "just do it!"


rainbow angeles said...

Life is short, huh... so young lady, don't you work so hard, ok? Have fun... live life :)

Em said...

hey Angel,

Thanks for coming and the encouragement. I will try not to work too hard :-)

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