Public Benefit Addiction Treatment Site | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Public Benefit Addiction Treatment Site

For people whose family has been touched by drugs and alcohol, they will know how important it is to spread the word that addiction is not impossible to cure. What is important is to get the information across, place the addict in a correct program and environment and nurture and support him or her and you will see that it is possible to turn over a new leaf.

Well, I have seen the difference proper treatment could make to an individual and his family. If there are people who are reluctant to admit they have a problem and to take the first step towards seeking treatment, it is because they are afraid of the stigma and/or they have been told that they need to pay for the information to find out about the various drug rehab centers and programs.

Addicts and their families should be made aware that all the above and treatment assessments, addiction treatment, dual diagnosis treatment and other information on addiction and recovery can be had for free. No one needs to pay any money for such information.

Just like the website at that I came across, it is a public benefit site, which means that anyone could obtain information on drug and alcohol addiction, treatment and recovery for FREE.

If you know of anyone who is in need of such information, please help to spread the word. Addiction could be cured. It is not a life sentence.


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