Herbal Remedy Or Not? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Herbal Remedy Or Not?

My monkey suffered another bout of fits a couple of evenings ago. This was brought on by an accumulated fear of thunderstorm no thanks to the daily rain over here. I feel like moving house!

My vet has recommended trying herbal supplement which is supposed to calm him down so that he won't be fearful of the smell of rain in the wind. The thunder and rain haven't even come yet, you know?

I am not sure I want to put him on this. So far, I have not given him any medication, except for when we found out that he had this medical condition many years ago and none of those helped. In fact, he became worse.

Now, I think he may need medication once more because the previous bout of seizure was in March, that was only four months ago. Prior to that, he could go on for almost a year before an attack, but for the past couple of years, he developed a fear for thunderstorm and that triggered him into fits.

My monkey has the grand mal type of seizure, unfortunately, and once he gets into one, he will have a few more times within two hours. A couple of evenings ago, he had three attacks, which is considered mild.

I'm of two minds. Shall I or shall I not try the supplement on him? Unfortunately, these don't come cheap either. My vet has told me it will cost over MYR100 a bottle (120ml). This means that one month's supply is MYR300. Couple this with my other monkey's supplement that is supposed to help with the arthritis and joint pain costing MYR280 per bottle that will last for four months (MYR70 per month) and then other miscellaneous medication and food, it comes up to a lot.

Just last week, my monkey was sick and the visit to the vet cost my MYR113. Can you imagine the rates in my cow town? While I am thankful that I am still able to afford giving them the best medical care, I have to think long term also.

Urgh... more decisions to make!


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